Najbolji i najgori govori dodjele Oscara svih vremena

izvor: Getty IMages
izvor: Getty IMages

Nakon što se pogledaju svi filmovi i kada se prebroje glasovi, najzabavniji dio dodjele Oscara su govori.

S ograničenim vremenom, globalnom publikom i milionom ljudi kojima se zahvaljuju, glumci i glumice izlaze na scenu kako bi izgovorili svoje riječi.

A najbolji govori su …

Halle Berry, 2002

Slide 2 of 32: After receiving a standing ovation for being the first African-American woman to win Best Actress, an emotional Berry gave one of the best speeches ever. "This moment is so much bigger than me ... it's for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened."
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Nakon što je dobila ovacije jer je prva Afroamerikanka koja je osvojila nagradu za najbolju glumicu, emotivna Berry održala je jedan od najboljih govora ikad.

"Ovaj trenutak je toliko veći od mene … on je za svaku bezimenu, bezličnu ženu u boji koja sada ima priliku jer su ova vrata večeras otvorena."

Olivia Colman, 2019

Slide 3 of 32: Many people felt Colman deserved an Oscar for the endearing, funny, and incredibly humble speech she made while accepting Best Actress for 'The Favourite.' 
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Mnogi ljudi osjećali su da je Colman zaslužila Oscara za simpatičan, smiješan i nevjerovatno skroman govor koji je održala prihvaćajući najbolju glumicu za 'Favorit'.

Tom Hanks, 1994

Slide 4 of 32: Tom Hanks won Best Actor for his role in 'Philadelphia,' and after winning gave an eloquent speech supporting and paying tribute to those affected by AIDS, which had a greater amount of stigma attached to it back then.
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Tom Hanks osvojio je najboljeg glumca za ulogu u filmu "Philadelphia", a nakon pobjede održao je rječit govor podržavajući i odajući počast oboljelima od AIDS-a, koji je tada imao veću količinu stigme.

Kate Winslet, 2010

Slide 5 of 32: Winslet only ever took home one Oscar out of seven nominations, but when she took home Best Actress for 'The Reader,' she spoke of how many times she'd practiced making the speech holding a shampoo bottle. From her dad whistling to let her know where he was sitting, to telling Meryl Streep to suck it up because none of the actresses could believe they were nominated alongside her, it was perfect.
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Winslet je kući odnijela samo jednog Oscara od sedam nominacija, ali kad je kući odnijela najbolju glumicu za 'Čitateljicu', govorila je koliko je puta vježbala držati govor držeći bočicu šampona.

Viola Davis, 2017

Slide 6 of 32: Winning Best Supporting Actress for her role in 'Fences,' Davis highlighted the importance of acting to her: "People ask me all the time, 'What kind of stories do you want to tell, Viola?' And I say 'Exhume those bodies.' Exhume those stories—the stories of the people who dreamed big and never saw those dreams to fruition, people who fell in love and lost." Host Jimmy Kimmel rightfully joked that Davis "just won an Emmy for that speech."
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Osvojivši Oscara za najbolju sporednu glumicu za ulogu u 'Ogradama', Davis joj je naglasio važnost glume: "Ljudi me stalno pitaju:" Kakve priče želiš pričati, Viola? " I kažem: 'Ekshumirajte ta tijela.' Iskopajte te priče - priče ljudi koji su sanjali veliko i nikada ih nisu vidjeli kako bi se ostvarili, ljudi koji su se zaljubili i izgubili. " Voditelj Jimmy Kimmel s pravom se našalio da je Davis "upravo osvojio Emmy za taj govor".

Julie Andrews, 1965

Slide 7 of 32: Receiving the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in 'Mary Poppins,' Andrews began, "I know you Americans are famous for your hospitality, but this is really ridiculous." She essentially thanked America for making her feel welcome.
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Primajući Oscara za najbolju glumicu za nastup u filmu "Mary Poppins", Andrews je započeo: "Znam da ste Amerikanci poznati po svom gostoprimstvu, ali ovo je zaista smiješno." U osnovi se zahvalila Americi što se osjeća dobrodošlom

Lupita Nyong'o, 2014

Slide 8 of 32: Nyong'o paid tribute to the woman she played in '12 Years a Slave' when accepting her Best Supporting Actress award by stating, "It doesn't escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else's... When I look down at this golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you're from, your dreams are valid.”
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Nyong'o je odala počast ženi koju je igrala u filmu '12 godina ropkinja 'kada je primila nagradu za najbolju sporednu glumicu izjavivši: "Ni jednog trenutka mi ne bježi da je toliko radosti u mom životu zahvaljujući toliko boli u tuđem … Kad pogledam ovaj zlatni kip, neka podsjeti mene i svako malo dijete da, bez obzira odakle ste, vaši snovi vrijede. "

Jennifer Lawrence, 2013

Slide 9 of 32: If anyone was going to trip on their way to accept the award for Best Actress, at least it was the hilariously bold Lawrence. She openly laughed at herself and said, "You're all only standing because I fell and that was embarrassing."
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Ako je iko putovao na svom putu da prihvati nagradu za najbolju glumicu, barem je to bio urnebesno odvažni Lawrence. Otvoreno se nasmijala samoj sebi i rekla: "Svi stojite samo zato što sam pao, a to je bilo neugodno."

Robin Williams, 1998

Slide 16 of 32: The cherished late actor received the award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in 'Good Will Hunting,' delivering a speech that was as endlessly entertaining as himself. He poked fun at Damon and Affleck's age, the Hollywood monarch Harvey Weinstein, and his late father's advice when he told him he wanted to act: "have a backup profession like welding."
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Pokojni glumac dobio je nagradu za najboljeg sporednog glumca za ulogu u filmu "Good Will Hunting" održavši govor koji je bio beskrajno zabavan kao i on sam. Zafrkavao se u Damonu i Affleckovim godinama, holivudskom monarhu Harveyju Weinsteinu i savjetima svog pokojnog oca kada mu je rekao da želi glumiti: "ima rezervnu profesiju poput zavarivanja."

A sada, najgori govori...

Angelina Jolie, 2000

Slide 18 of 32: Jolie made headlines after she kissed her brother, James Haven, on the red carpet, and then started her Best Supporting Actress acceptance speech for 'Girl, Interrupted' by saying, "I'm just so in love with my brother right now." It was uncomfortable, to say the least.
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Jolie je dospjela na naslovnice nakon što je poljubila svog brata Jamesa Havena na crvenom tepihu, a zatim započela svoj govor prihvaćanja najbolje glumice za 'Djevojčica, prekinuta' rekavši: "Trenutno sam jako zaljubljena u svog brata." Bilo je u najmanju ruku neugodno.

Gwyneth Paltrow, 1999

Slide 19 of 32: Accepting the Best Actress award for 'Shakespeare in Love,' Paltrow delivered the standard-fare gush until about three minutes in when she lost control and started sobbing so much that cameras cut to her mother, actress Blythe Danner, who also looked visibly uncomfortable.
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Prihvaćajući nagradu za najbolju glumicu za 'Zaljubljenog Shakespearea', Paltrow je puštala standardnu cijenu do oko tri minute kada je izgubila kontrolu i počela toliko jecati da su kamere presekle njenu majku, glumicu Blythe Danner,
koji je takođe izgledao vidno nelagodno.

Anne Hathaway, 2013

Slide 21 of 32: Hathaway only garnered more Hathahate following her lackluster hosting experience with James Franco, during which time she also accepted Best Supporting Actress for 'Les Misérables.' "It came true," she said, as if to herself, referencing the song she sang in the film. The moment felt corny, like an insincere attempt at sincerity, and the rest of the speech wasn't much better.
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Hathaway je prikupila još Hathahatea samo nakon svog blijedog iskustva ugošćavanja s Jamesom Francom, a za to vrijeme prihvatila je i najbolju sporednu glumicu za 'Les Misérables'. "Ostvarilo se", rekla je, kao za sebe, pozivajući se na pjesmu koju je otpjevala u filmu. Trenutak se osjećao otrcano, poput neiskrenog pokušaja iskrenosti, a ni ostatak govora nije bio puno bolji.

George Clooney, 2006

Slide 24 of 32: Accepting Best Supporting Actor for 'Syriana' should have been a moment of gratitude, but Clooney famously delivered a self-congratulatory speech that seemed to place Hollywood on the forefront of activism for queer people affected by AIDS, for civil rights, for black representation, and more.
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Prihvaćanje najboljeg sporednog glumca za 'Syriana' trebao je biti trenutak zahvalnosti, ali Clooney je slavno održao govor čestitanja koji je izgleda stavio Hollywood u prvi plan aktivizma za queer ljude pogođene AIDS-om, za građanska prava, za predstavljanje crnaca, i više.

'La La Land' / 'Mjesečina,' 2017

Slide 30 of 32: Who could forget the colossal screw-up where 'La La Land' was incorrectly named Best Picture? Director Barry Jenkins and the 'Moonlight' team handled it so gracefully, despite the fact that their completely deserving moment should have been theirs and theirs alone. After embarrassing speeches from the 'La La Land' team, the folks behind 'Moonlight' accepted the award with such gratitude that even Samuel L. Jackson shed a tear in the audience.
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Ko bi mogao zaboraviti ogromnu zeznuću u kojoj je La La Land pogrešno proglašen najboljim filmom? Redatelj Barry Jenkins i ekipa filma 'Moonlight' to su izveli tako graciozno, uprkos činjenici da je njihov potpuno zaslužni trenutak trebao biti njihov i samo njihov. Nakon sramotnih govora tima 'La La Land', ljudi iza 'Moonlight' prihvatili su nagradu s takvom zahvalnošću da je čak i Samuel L. Jackson pustio suzu u publici.

Greg Cannom, Kate Biscoe, Patricia Dehaney-Le maj, 2019

Slide 32 of 32: The winners of Best Hair and Makeup, for their work on 'Vice,' were the subject of much online criticism after they attempted to take turns reading off a sheet of paper, quickly losing track of who was reading what. It was cringe-worthy at best.See also: The most shocking moments in Oscars history.
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Pobjednici u Najboljoj frizuri i šminci, za njihov rad na filmu "Vice", bili su predmet mnogih internetskih kritika nakon što su pokušali naizmjenično čitati list papira, brzo gubeći trag o tome ko šta čita. Bilo je u najboljem slučaju za jezu.

PROČITAJTE VIŠE: U nedjelju 25. aprila dodjela Oscara! Jasmila Žbanić u utrci za nagradu

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